We recently signed mutually beneficial agreements to help us ensure that anyone can use Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) by providing the skills and expertise required.
Our new partners include the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), in Kenya, AGRHYMET Regional Centre in Niger and the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente in Netherlands.
Partnerships are fundamental to the success of Digital Earth Africa to help us achieve uptake of our products and ensure the program delivers a sustainable platform through access to civil society, research and private sectors and government at country and continental levels.
Working with regional centers such as RCMRD and AGRHYMET offer an opportunity for countries across the continent to engage with the program and build the knowledge and skills in using the platform. All parties share a strong alignment of a core mission for more informed decisions on environmental and development issues using geospatial information.
The University of Twente will be delivering the capacity development strategy for DE Africa, providing the principles, tools and methodologies required to ensure capacity development activities meet individual and organizational needs.
To keep informed make sure to sign up to our Stakeholder Community Group.