Welcome to Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa)
Our vision
DE Africa will provide a routine, reliable and operational service, using Earth observations to deliver decision-ready products enabling policy makers, scientists, the private sector and civil society to address social, environmental and economic changes on the continent and develop an ecosystem for innovation across sectors.
Our mission
DE Africa will process openly accessible and freely available data to produce decision-ready products. Working closely with the AfriGEO community, DE Africa will be responsive to the information needs, challenges and priorities of the African continent. DE Africa will leverage and build on existing capacity to enable the use of Earth observations to address key challenges across the continent.

Access to data and analysis tools for technical users to explore ideas and develop reports
MoreImpact Stories

Using satellite data to combat drought: Monitoring Lake Sulunga, Tanzania
Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) is helping Mr Benedict Mugambi, Head of Geographic Information System (GIS) at the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Tanzania to analyse…

Time series for nature: Preserving mangroves in Zanzibar
Today is World Environment Day, observed every year on 5 June to raise awareness of protecting our planet. The theme for 2020 is Biodiversity: Time for nature. To celebrate, we…

Development for all: ensuring Digital Earth Africa is diverse and inclusive
Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) has committed to the development of a Gender Equality, Diversity…

A new project to improve access to analysis-ready water data in Africa
Water management is vital to Africa’s future, but limited water data makes it challenging. Earth observation satellites collect vast amounts of data over Africa every day, some…