About The Event
The Theme of this year's conference is: Deepening Nile Cooperation: Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs in a Changing Climate
The conference will take place at Kampala, Uganda.
The Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) is a high-level regional event convened every three years by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), in collaboration with its Member States and in partnership with development partners.
The event is a science-policy dialogue that provides an opportunity for sharing latest information, knowledge and best practices as well as building partnerships among professionals, in trans-boundary water resources management and development.
- The objectives of the Forum are to build common understanding on the status of the water and natural resources base of the Nile Basin among stakeholders, examine the shared complex challenges and, exchange perspectives on the solutions for addressing these challenges
- The Forum is taking place at a time when the region is experiencing increasing impacts of climate change on water resources, which impacts have a potential to exacerbate the challenges of the basin management in a complex natural environment. Implied in the theme, therefore, is the urgent need to implement structural and non-structural measures to build the resilience of the Nile Basin to impacts of climate change.