Agriculture, Hydrology, Meteorology Regional Centre (AGRHYMET)

Mr. Bako Mamane is a returning member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of DE Africa. AGRHYMET has previously participated as both a TAC member and Implementation Partner in DE Africa’s initiatives.

He is an expert in Water Resources Management, GIS, and Remote Sensing with over a decade of experience at AGRHYMET Regional Center. He currently serves as Co-Chief of Party for the SERVIR West Africa program and leads a FEM project on land degradation in the Great Green Wall countries, including Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal, and Ethiopia.

Previously, Mr. Mamane was the National Databases and GIS Specialist for UNDP in Niger, supporting missions across West and Central Africa. In May 2024, he became the Chief of the Division for Environment Outlook and Sustainable Land Management at AGRHYMET. He is also a frequent speaker at international conferences on geospatial technologies and sustainability.